2021-04-24 18:09:12
揭开普遍教会讲道中的严重错谬 — 20条
基督的仆人  归回聖經  3月21日  -----这是异端寻迷羊的微信账号,。
放下重担,脱去缠累 (第1讲)
王月皓弟兄 归回聖經 3月29日
王月皓弟兄 归回聖經 4月5日
三、错谬歪理之三: 基督徒不要再提悔改



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    2021-04-27 05:36:14


    ZigZag (ZigZag) and ZigZag (ZigZag (Retrace.)) filter price movements without any predictive power. When the price fluctuates by a certain percentage, the zigzag line will react. Chart experts can apply various technical analysis tools to ZigZag. Chart experts can perform basic trend analysis by comparing the highs and lows of the reactions. Chart experts can also superimpose the ZigZag function to find price patterns that may not be visible on ordinary bar or line charts. The zigzag pattern can highlight important actions while ignoring noise. When using the ZigZag function, please do not forget to measure the last line to determine whether it is temporary or permanent. If the current price change is less than the ZigZag parameter, the line is temporary; but if the price change is greater than or equal to the ZigZag parameter, the line becomes permanent.

    Elliott Wave Count

    gold signals

    The ZigZag function can be used to filter out small movements and make Elliott Wave counting more straightforward. The figure below shows the S&P 500 ETF with a 6% zigzag signal filter, and its rise and fall are less than 6%. After some trial and error, 6% is considered an important threshold. A rise or fall of more than 6% is considered important enough to cause fluctuations in Elliott's count. Remember, this is just an example. The threshold and the number of fluctuations are subjective and depend on personal preference. Based on the 6% zigzag line, the complete cycle from March 2009 to July 2010 is determined. A complete cycle includes 8 waves, 5 rises and 3 falls.

    gold signals 

    Retracements and forecasts

    SharpCharts用户可以在常规的“ ZigZag”和“ ZigZag(Retrace。)”之间进行选择。如以上示例所示,普通的锯齿形调整浪显示移动至少特定百分比的线。 ZigZag(Retrace。)将反应高点和低点与测量先前移动的标签连接起来。虚线上的数字反映了当前的锯齿形调整浪线和紧接其之前的锯齿形调整浪线之间的差异。例如,下图显示了具有15%ZigZag(回扫)功能的Altera(ALTR)。三条锯齿形调整浪线已标记为(1、2和3)。连接线1的低点和线2的低点的虚线显示的框为0.638。这意味着第2行是第1行的0.638(63.8%)。数字小于1意味着该行比前一行短。连接线2的高点和线3的高点的虚线显示的框为1.646。这意味着第3行是第2行的1.646(164.6%)。大于1的数字表示该行比前一行长。


    您可能已经猜到了,将这些线视为先前线的百分比可以评估斐波纳契投影。 8月的跌幅(2号线)在6月-7月的涨幅(1号线)附近回撤了约61.8%。这是经典的斐波那契回撤。从9月初到11月初的涨幅是8月跌幅的1.646倍。从这个意义上说,之字形(回溯)可以用来预测前进的长度。同样,1.646接近斐波纳契1.618,这是许多预测估计中使用的黄金比率。有关斐波那契回撤的更多信息,请参见我们的ChartSchool文章。

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